ZoomDetails Construction Works for a New Fuel Plant – Altamura (BA) Construction Works for a New Fuel Plant ENERCOOP May 20, 2017General building references - completedBy admin
ZoomDetails Marketplace square Olbia (OT) Marketplace square Olbia (OT) Performing company: Gruppo GE.DI. February 9, 2015General building references - completed, Systems and technologies referencesBy admin
ZoomDetails Urban Center – Olbia Urban Center – Olbia Work status: completed February 4, 2015General building references, General building references - completedBy admin
ZoomDetails Opificio via Lentisco – Altamura (BA) Factory via Lentisco – Altamura Work status: completed February 4, 2015General building references, General building references - completedBy admin
ZoomDetails British American Tobacco (BAT) – Lecce (LE) Facades restoration works B.A.T – Lecce (LE) Customer: British American Tobacco Italia February 2, 2015General building references, General building references - completed, Industrial and commercial buildings references – completed, Systems and technologies referencesBy admin