Construction Works for a New Fuel Plant – Altamura (BA)
Construction Works for a New Fuel Plant ENERCOOP
Construction Works for a New Fuel Plant ENERCOOP
Complesso Parrocchiale Santa Maria del Carmine Madre della Chiesa
Work status: completed
Project for the recovery and enhancement of the archaeological area of Tharros. Customer: Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo
Eraclio statue restoration – Barletta
Performing company: Gruppo GE.DI.
Archaeological excavation during the construction of the Urban Center / redevelopment of the S. Simplicio area
Works of restoration and functional recovery of the complex of the Villa Contarini-Venier with destination as cultural center and place of memory.
Monastero di Santa Croce – Altamura (BA)
Performing company: Gruppo GE.DI.
Barn Recovery – Roseto Capospulico
Performing company: Gruppo GE.DI.
Palazzo Carusi – Bianchi – Corigliano Calabro (CS)
Performing company: Gruppo GE.DI.
Restoration of the bell tower next to the Cathedral of Altamura
Performing company: Costruzioni Pallotta S.r.l.